
First Date Tips: Stay Safe on Your First Date

Many people get quite excited if going on a first date. The excitement doubles if it is a blind date. They decide all kind of things – what to wear on first date, first date conversations, ask their friends about first date advice, etc. But one thing they don’t think about is safety. I know you are very excited regarding your first date but you need to be careful. Here are some points you need to think about:

Know The Person: Before you go out on your first date, I suggest you to know the person really well by talking to them or asking your friends or your partner’s friend or even checking is profile on social network. You should see what kind of people he roams with and how he behaves. It is very important to know the person you are going on a first date.

Insecure: If you feel insecure or uncomfortable about going on a date with person you barely know, then you should meet him along with your friends for a few times and then if you feel comfortable you can meet him alone. Also, if you feel insecure, meet him at public places for first few times and later you both can opt for lonesome places.

First Date Conversations: Some good first date conversations include talking about your hobbies, your college/school life, your interests and favorite food, etc. If your partner is asking too many personal questions during your first date conversations like about your family or regarding your parents’ business then I would suggest you give out least possible information. First date conversations should be simple, light and fun.

Be Clear: You should clearly tell your date of things you feel comfortable doing. Never do anything that you don’t feel secured or comfortable just to make your first date partner happy. You should think only about yourself on a first date. Also, tell your date, what time you are expected to be back home and if he/she tries to make you stay longer, I suggest you don’t; not on your first date.

Friends Should Know: These days teenagers hardly share anything with their parents. So most probably you won’t tell your parents regarding your first date. It’s fine if you don’t want to tell them but your close friends should know about your first date and every detail – where you going, how long would you be there for and when will you be back, etc. You need to keep your friends in the loop. Your friends should have a way to reach you when you are out on your first date. Also, you should NEVER switch off your cell phone. If you have a GPS system then great but don’t even think of switching off your cell phone.

Internet First Date: If your first date is with someone you met on the internet then you need to be a little more careful. You should never share your personal details – home address or phone number with him. Always choose a public place to meet for your first date. Your friends should know every detail about your first date and if you feel insecure you can even meet your date with few of your friends. Keep your guard up till you feel safe with your date.

No Home: Many girls think that it is a romantic idea to go to your date’s house on your first date. I would suggest against it. It may seem like a romantic idea but never go to your date’s house on your first date. It is best if you both meet at some public spot. If any problem arises at your date’s house, you won’t have anyone there to help you.

No Alcohol: I would suggest you don’t alcohol on your first date. If you still find the need then keep drinking alcohol at minimum. You wouldn’t want to get drunk and be vulnerable. Also, getting drunk you might end up doing things you don’t want and making a bad impression about yourself on your date.

Dress Decently: It is fine to show a little flesh but you shouldn’t overdo it. You should dress decently and not provocatively, especially women. Also, one thing you should remember that wear too little may suggest that you are ‘easy’ to get.

Leave Anytime You Want: If your date is asking too many unfriendly questions or making you uncomfortable in any kind of way, you should get up and leave. Don’t think your date’s heart will break or anything. You can leave anytime when he starts making you uncomfortable.

So these are some of the important things you should keep in mind when going on a first date. Thinking about first date conversations, first date clothes, first date ideas is fine but you should think about security too. I hope this article helps.