
Handy Tips for Blind-Daters

Modern day living is too demanding and stressful. Dating provides a new lease of life to many. The whole experience of dating can be made memorable by you, provided it is carried forward in the right direction and with the right person.

You need not necessarily wait for weekends for dating a person of your choice. You can also date in the middle of the week, which can be more soothing for you after a day’s hectic activity is over. Dating a girl after the day’s daunting task is fulfilled can refresh your heart and soul and can lead to enjoyable evenings with a company of your choice. Weekend dating is a long wait and is often very boring. Dating and working can go hand in hand. Your possibilities of close proximity to her is more bright when you date in midst of the week.

Some Do’s and Don’ts.

  • It is not necessary that you always get an affirmative reply from her when you ask for a date. The reasons can be varied. Don’t get disheartened and don’t crib over the fact that she has not responded positively to your advances towards her.
  • Probably she has kept things piled up to do at that time when you ask her for a date. Your invitation for a date can interrupt her schedule and so a strong no from her side.
  • Try to find out her line of interest, and her prerogative in choosing dates to accompany you. Do not prod over her reasons for saying no to a particular date thinking that this negative answer is a consequence of some preplanned motive or decision made by her to say so.
  • She must be assured that your interest in her has not waned and give her that affirmation by fixing up a time specified by her. At the same time don’t give her the impression that you are always available for her. This will give an impression of your frantic nature towards her.
  • Take into account certain excuses made by her in giving a negative reply. Try to find out whether the excuses are genuine or are they a desperate measure to avoid you.
  • If you have kindled interest in her it will show in her eagerness to meet you. She will make things possible and fix on a date with you.
  • But if the excuses are such that dating is almost impossible, then the cat is out of the bag. Realize the fact that she is not interested in you and she is not the one meant for you and move ahead in life.
  • Asking at an appropriate time is a sure step to success in your dating endeavor. Find out a time when there is great possibility for her to say only yes to you.
  • This does not imply that you set your eyes on her daily functioning and make life miserable for her by constantly asking for a date. But her constant no should give you an idea to put a full stop in your effort to bring her closer to you.

Have you ever approached a girl for a dance? Quite a bright task ahead isn’t it? Use your perception to understand the fact, when to ask her for a dance. Interrupting her, when she is already busy in the company of her friends is not a right move. If her friend is not available with her and has gone to refresh himself, your chances to get a positive reply is brighter. Read her movements, analyze the situation properly and then go ahead with your demands.