“The Truths About Andropause: Understanding Menopause in Men” is locked The Truths About Andropause: Understanding Menopause in Men

The Truths About Andropause: Understanding Menopause in Men

Women are not the only species who undergo hormonal changes over time. Do you know any male individual, might be your father, brother or partner who acts overly strange lately? Does he seem lethargic, forget things most of the time, or wake up from sleep sweating?

He might be suffering from hormonal imbalance closely alike to that of the women. Though this might be questionable, recent studies suggest that menopause in men exists. Male menopause appears to involve a drop in hormone levels when reaching the middle age, referring it as a male midlife crisis.

Understanding Menopause in MenMale menopause, or sometimes called as andropause, is a condition referring to a gradual decline of testosterone levels in men, particularly those middle-aged men. This condition is not universal to the male population. However, men still experience a decline in production of testosterone as they get old, which is most evident to those individuals with certain diseases like diabetes.

Unlike menopause in women in wherein their ovaries will completely shut down and stop producing eggs and female hormones, the testosterone decline in men goes in a slower process and the testes still continue to produce testosterone.

Normally, hormone levels peak around 15 to 18 years old in most men. Hormone levels begin to drop slowly when reaching the ages mid to late 20s. By the time they reach 35 years old, some men will have a significant drop in their testosterone levels.

With this, they start to experience uncomfortable symptoms that are similar to those of the female menopause. They more likely experience symptoms like hot flashes, loss of energy, night sweats, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, dry skin, mood swings and depression. Along with the decline of testosterone, some men experience signs of aging like decreased muscle mass, increased body fats, loss of libido and other sexual problems.

Oftentimes, men do not seek treatment for menopause because they feel uncomfortable talking about their symptoms. However, it is a must to seek consultation to correct hormone levels in the body as well. The goal of treatment in andropause is to bring the hormone levels back up to a healthy level.

Doctors may recommend testosterone replacement therapy to increase testosterone levels in men. This will also help relieve symptoms like depression, fatigue and loss of libido. Regular exercise, dietary changes and stress reduction methods are also effective in managing andropause.

Men should understand the importance of knowing what is happening to their bodies as they grow older. Male menopause may not affect all men and the symptoms vary depending on the degree of hormonal decline. However, it gives more peace of mind and  better control of their condition to understand why changes like these take place and how they can effectively manage these.