Whoever said that breaking up with someone is just as hard as being broken up with was, in my humble opinion, a freaking idiot. A big, fat liar. Not much in life sucks worse than having the object of your affection end your relationship. Your guy could be the biggest […]
Get Back Your Girlfriend
Birthday’s are one of the most important occasions for the girls. They make a list of their birthday parties and feel excited about the birthday shopping. They feel really priceless if you put an extra effort to make her birthday a really special one for her and would not forget […]
Don’t you feel it is amazing, if a girl you have a crush on, likes you back? Later on, most of the times guys take the love of their life for granted and as a result they lose the girl. Trying to get a girl to like you again in […]
You are a newbie in dating. There’s nothing wrong with that. Although first-timers get queasy about impressing their dates, you can do that without fumbling or saying the wrong things. Relax and read on to find out what you should and should not do in your first date with our dating […]
It may not be easy for you to know how to get back with your ex girlfriend. What is important is realizing that the relationship is really over. An adviser once said that in order for me to know how to get my ex girlfriend to want me back is […]
This is a real story about how a buddy of mine, Mike, got his ex-girlfriend back. Mike had dated off and on but when he met Melissa he was hard core for her. She broke it off and he completely wanted to get Melissa his ex girlfriend back. Mike was […]
How to get your ex girlfriend back after your relationship with her has been terminated does not necessarily require grand ideas and strategies on your part. You need to think of ways and things to do. Once more create a connection with her and make her think of you again. […]
Do you want the truth – the real truth on how to get your ex back? You can’t make your ex come back. Did you hear that – you cannot make your ex come back. You can influence your ex to see that you’re someone great to be with, but […]
I see many relationship books and coaching programs are referring ‘no contact’ as the first thing you should do when your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you. Some programs even claim their clients got their ex back only by implementing this technique. However, I’m a little bit skeptical about […]
First Step: Put Your Life Back in Line You need to get over the break-up. This may be very hard but it is a necessary step in trying to win her back. Overcome the loneliness and sadness and start reshaping your life. The points below can keep you motivated: Every […]
Mending a broken heart is not an easy task, it requires time, patience and some proactive steps to take forward in order to complete a healing process. After all you were with someone you believe you had a special unrepeatable connection, may be plans for the future together, you may have […]
Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me? Are you always asking yourself and your friends “does my ex want to get back together with me”? That’s a burning question for so many people dealing with a freshly broken relationship. Here are a couple ways to know. Is your […]