I will be 80 years old next year. A younger person might wonder why I am writing an article that has anything to do with parenting, although having raised four sons has certainly taught me a few things. When I was married shortly after the end of World War II, […]
Good Vibes
Every year we proclaim grand New Year’s resolutions and just like clockwork, they fade from our mind in a matter of weeks or even days. It does not mean everyone is a failure; just that we generally struggle to stick with lofty resolutions. Keep your head up and spirits high […]
It is an unfortunate fact that millions of people around the world get into some kind of depression at least once a year, an increasingly common problem for the developing world. How do you know if what you feel might be symptoms of depression? Here are some of them: Lack […]
You often experience the feeling of getting into bed and hours pass and you’re still wide awake? Maybe its because you just can’t stop thinking about different things, the events of the days or the events that are yet to happen? Perhaps one of your kids has had some trouble […]
But why your life? When you lose control of your emotions and of yourself, you’re no longer in charge of what happens or better said how it affects to you what unavoidably happens around, yes and when things go wrong you don’t need to make them any worse. Getting a strong grip […]
We tend to forget about this topic when everything seems to be running smooth and well oiled in our lives, and I’m not talking about your forks drawer, it is easier to be happy and joyful whistling all the way to your block’s cafe to ask for that cheese board […]
Since I was 11 years old, when my school decided to start hosting Sex-Ed classes. Lessons were dedicated to how my body would change. I was even taught how to properly use a pad. Like that wasn’t completely awkward… Swiping your V-card is often considered to be a big deal. […]
In this Linden Method review we are going to be discussing one of the more popular natural solutions to a very serious yet not fully understood mental problem, namely, anxiety disorders. Included within the scope of this disorder are anxiety and panic attacks, OCD, Post Traumatic Stress, Post Natal Anxiety, […]