When the movie Pumping Iron begins, the stage full of extraordinarily well developed men looks the same in many ways. The sculpted figures, the amazing bulges and the stylistic way they strike a pose gives the impression that there is nothing there behind those muscles. Nothing could be further from the […]
Pumping Iron
If you are like most people, when you see a bunch of bodybuilders, it is easy to think they have a lot of muscle but very little above the neckline in the way of intelligence. But when the movie, Pumping Iron came out and the sport of bodybuilding exploded on […]
Some years ago, there were two characters on the popular comedy show, Saturday Night Live, that made good natured fun of the sport of bodybuilding. The characters had a bodybuilding show called “Pumping up with Hans and Franz”. The two talented comedians who performed the skit were Kevin Nealon and […]
In modern day language that the young people use, to be a “poser” is a bad thing. But in the world of bodybuilding, to be a great poser meant you knew well how to put your well toned body on display and that meant winning a lot of competitions. When the […]
When you think of athletes like long distance runners and bodybuilders, the image of that athlete consuming huge amounts of protein before a competition in the form of meat is a stereotype the public holds. Albert Beckles knew what real success was in bodybuilding and he did it all while living the life […]
In 1977, a movie called Pumping Iron exploded into the public consciousness and turned the sport of bodybuilding into something that everybody was aware of. Pumping Iron also transformed several bodybuilders into international superstars including Arnold Schwarzenegger and the man who went on be become the name we most associate […]
Franco Columbu was born in Sardinia, Italy in 1941. He immigrated to the United States in 1969, becoming a naturalized citizen in 1987. Columbu has earned numerous bodybuilding titles, including Mr. Olympia, Mr. International, Mr. World, Mr. Universe, Mr. Europe, and Mr. Italy, despite his slight stature, usually reported as 5 foot 5 inches, […]
The world of bodybuilding represents a relatively small niche even in the sports universe. But that doesn’t mean that as athletes bodybuilders were not as devoted to their sport and single minded in their desire to succeed as any baseball, football or basketball player. That dedication to excellence can be […]
The movie Pumping Iron put on display the finest of the sport of bodybuilding. When you watch those phenomenal athletes on the screen, they seem to blend together. But each athlete who reached that final plateau of bodybuilding to compete to be Mr. Universe was and is a very unique […]
The movie Pumping Iron made the careers of a number of body builders. The most notable household names that became huge stars from the Pumping Iron movie are the previous governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the man who went on be become the name we most associate with The Incredible Hulk, Lou Ferrigno. […]
The movie, Pumping Iron brought the sport of bodybuilding into the public eye for the first time. But perhaps the one personality that we most associate with Pumping Iron is the man who went on to international success in acting and politics as well. That Pumping Iron star was Arnold […]
In 1975, the first multi-racial sporting event ever held in South Africa, the Mr. Olympia contest, was filmed by photographer and documentary filmmaker George Butler. That movie was Pumping Iron. In that over a century of Apartheid was beginning to weaken, the event held historic significance. Pumping Iron was an […]